Andratesha Fritzgerald
Andratesha Fritzgerald is an author, international speaker, presenter, and facilitator who exhibits an audacious perseverance that calls organizations to evolve into inclusive antiracist safe zones for all learners. She has over twenty years in education as a teacher, curriculum specialist, administrator and director.
As a Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Scholar, Fritzgerald exhibited audacity in teaching and a strong commitment to radical inclusion from the very start of her career. She was featured in Education Week, a national publication, twice. With a passion for Universal Design for Learning, Culturally Responsive Teaching and Antiracism, she has led collaborative initiatives to craft organizational implementation plans, design lab templates, professional development symposia and professional practice cadres -modeling expert learning while equipping others to do the same..
Tesha holds an Ed.S. in administration and a Master’s Degree in Urban Secondary Teaching, with an emphasis on language arts instruction both from Cleveland State University. She has been a presenter at the CAST International Symposium on Universal Design for Learning, Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Ireland National College and many other organizations and districts. Her award winning book Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success , (CAST, 2020) has equipped schools, districts, colleges, universities and organizations begin the brave actions to view and address equity in education.
Her life’s work is to awaken, celebrate and activate brilliance by breaking barriers and building bridges. A self proclaimed book nerd, Jeopardy enthusiast and imagination expert, she loves writing and dreaming out loud with her husband, two children and committed educators all over the world. She is the founder of Building Blocks of Brilliance Education Consulting Firm, established in 2018. Connect with her on Twitter @FritzTesha